2024 MassArt Auction
As the nation’s only independent public college of art and design, MassArt is dedicated to providing an exceptional and affordable education for the next generation of artists, designers, and educators. The proceeds of the MassArt Auction provide vital scholarship aid and academic program support for our deserving students, which make continued access to a renowned art and design education possible.
The 2024 James King Bonnar Exhibition
The Newton Art Association’s most popular event of the year.
Winter Juried Show 2024
Founded in 1917, the Duxbury Art Association is one of the oldest arts organizations in the country. Our mission to help local art and artisans thrive was set forth by our founders, great artists Charles Bittinger, John Singer Sargent, and Frank Benson.
Paradise City Marlboro
Paradise City, founded in 1995, produces New England’s most celebrated shows of contemporary craft and fine art.
Paradise City Northampton
Paradise City, founded in 1995, produces New England’s most celebrated shows of contemporary craft and fine art. I’ll be exhibiting my work.
PAAM: The Members’ 12×12 Exhibition and Silent Auction
The Members’ 12×12 Exhibition and Silent Auction is PAAM’s largest annual membership drive. I will be exhibiting a piece for auction.
Paradise City Northampton, MA
Exhibiting my work at Paradise City Arts Festival in Northampton, MA
Newton Open Studios
Exhibiting my work at 5 Copley Street, Newton, MA. For more details, visit: https://newtonopenstudios.org/artist_page/ross-ozer/
Paradise City Marlboro
Exhibiting my work at Paradise City Arts Festival in Marlboro, MA